Water as a life force

Water is an essential life factor for both humans and nature.

The aim is to maintain a harmonious balance between habitat, settlement area and hazard potential.

This is what we do every day for our clients and the environment.

Flood protection

In order to improve the conditions of use when developing available land in endangered regions, we develop solutions under economic parameters with the best possible cost-benefit factor. We are specialists in the Alpine region, such as the behaviour of torrents.

Natural hydraulic engineering

As natural sewage treatment plants and efficient flood barriers, restored river landscapes improve the quality of life for residential areas and riverine ecosystems. We determine the potential of corresponding projects and handle the renaturalisation and continuity measures in all phases.

Water supply and wastewater infrastructure

Water is a central part of the municipal infrastructure. We create solutions for drinking water supply, surface drainage and professional wastewater disposal. In terms of sustainability, we support the renovation and modernisation of existing systems.